Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor day laboring

On this holiday weekend, I was assigned the task of sanding a floor. 
have no experience with this prior to today and unlike my father; I was not born with a natural ability to use heavy machinery. 

All in all, it was a tough job but one that at least I can say is done.

What will they say?

It's Sunday! For me this means grabbing an extra large coffee, browsing some discount ads and reading all those great NY Times tech columns. 
Today, I stumbled upon a fourth item that will be added to the mix

With some reservations, I now declare the wedding announcements section as part of my ritual.

Uh, yeah... I know what you're thinking, dood tripped on a rock, fell face first on an ABBA box set and lost his manhood. 

To the contrary, I happened to click on an article link and something about it made me say this is some truly great stuff.  I invite you to read for yourself and see if you can't agree.

Is it better than all that gadetry? 
Hey, that depends on how you look at it.
There are lots and lots of souless gizmos to look at, but if you want to read something that has zest, energy and brings a glimpse of hope to mankind; then try this stuff out.

Faster than a romance novel, far less painful than a crpppy chick flick and zero vampires.  Go for it!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Clicky Update

Fear not, Click wheel is still alive!
Man, you'd think i'd know that before writing an obit for it. 

Well, whatever... apple can still make me a remote-control iPod.


Time for a yakult.

Apple unveils new products - Kills the click wheel

Today Apple chose to pull the plug on its iconic clickwheel by introducing the 6th iteration of iPod nano with its multi-touch, capacitive screen, sans wheely.

It's a real shame, as I believe the mighty clicker could have maintained relevance, albeit in the form of an all new cross functional device.

Imagine a new genre of iPods; a hybrid if you will, where click wheel is paired with touch screen.
The device would serve as both entertainment vessel and remote commander.  For instance, the wheel would be used to control no-look menu operations and the screen utilized for soft key commands.

Add to this the endless supply of 3rd party apps and voila, the ultimate iPod.  One that allows you to operate television, a/v components, game hardware, all the while providing music, movies, entertainment and web browsing.

Let's see, a device that allows me to browse my local channel guide, choose a station to watch or record and then be able to swap functions to adjust volume, then check my FaceSpace, all while sitting on the couch and ordering pizza.

That, my friends is literally equivalent to harnessing the power of the sun.

What I found most useful about the clickwheel was its ability to function without looking down at it.
Forwarding through playlist or pausing a program could always be accomplished in your pocket.  And as far as remotes go, sightless control is a must.  No one wants to pick up a remote from the couch and have to look at it to identify the play button. 

RIP my round friend.

See video below for all that new nano freshness.


Lyric Trivia: RUSH Edition

It seems to me
I could live my life
A lot better than I think I am
I guess that's why they call me
They call me _______________.

a) the Space Cowboy
b) mello yellow 
c) the Working MaAan!
d) Eddy